Di Rocco Trading - Aluminium Foil Container

FOIL CONTAINER R11G I / white – O / copper dim. 227x127x36mm 1190ccm

Di Rocco Trading - Aluminium Foil Container

Lacquered Smoothwall aluminIum containers have high corrosion resistance. Shelf-life extension can be increased by applying lacquers that improve seal integrity with either flexible plastic films for a reduction in oxygen and humidity permeability or aluminium lidding materials to prevent any light degradation.


Features of Lacquered Smoothwall aluminium containers

  • Strength and weight
  • Lacquer
  • Aesthetic enhancing
  • Cooking methods
  • Perfect for Microwave
  • PET clip-on lids
  • Ability to withstand the rigors of pasteurisation and sterilisation using retort processes


FOIL CONTAINER R11G I / white – O / copper dim. 227x127x36mm 1190ccm